Friday, July 22, 2016

How to choose the best Athletes Training Program

The programs for strength training are not only varied but can also be very complicated. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be. All you will need to do is to come up with a comprehensive and well-rounded program that will encourage hard work as well as some progressive overload of musculature. When you ensure that these components are in place, you will be ready to enjoy the benefits of professional athletes training programs.

Should address all muscle groups

A good strength training program for athletes should address the major group of muscles in your body such as the chest, shoulders, biceps, upper back, neck, triceps, lower back, abdominals, hips and glutes, quadriceps, calves and hamstring. There are certain types of sports that will only focus on a particular part of the body. These will require some specialized work on the smaller groups of muscles. However, it is also important to address the major group of muscles. Generally, each side of the muscles should be performed on the every side of your join. Therefore, it is important for the best athletic training program to address all the major muscles.

It should be progressive

For the program to be quite effective, it should place an overload on the musculature in a progressive and systematic manner. This means that when training, you should try to increase your workouts in a progressive manner. For instance, if you can only do a maximum of 5 pushups, you can try to increase the number to 7 next week. When you can do 11, you cannot attempt to do 12.

There are several ways in which you can make progress. You can increase the weight amount of the number of repetitions. You can also increase the set number or the number of days that you train every week. Another option would to reduce the amount of time that you take to rest between the sets. Alternatively, you can try to work with a combination of all these.


Number of sets
The set numbers that are used in each exercise or for a complete workout will usually vary. Mostly, one to 3 sets can be performed for every exercise while 10 to 20 sets should be performed for the entire workout. Where there are fewer sets used, you should ensure that you perform each of the set with a maximum intensity. For more ideas, on the best athletics training program, you should get in touch with MP45.

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